Making a Living as a Writer

I know that many of you, like me, are resolving to get more writing done in 2014.

But that’s not really a resolution – that’s something I remind myself every day when I wake up. Sometimes I try to quantify it by setting word counts, or by setting some blogging goal (once a week, a substantial post!). Getting more writing done really just serves that part of my soul that is bending under the weight of untold stories.

This year, though, I do have a shift in mind. For years, I have made the majority of my living from teaching skills to others – writing, mostly, with a little life lesson sprinkled in. For years, I have helped set the bar, asked students to achieve, and assessed their ability to meet my guidelines.

I’m done with that. I’m finished with assessing others and their writing – this is how I know I don’t want to go into editing or being an agent. I’m done with grading papers or even coming up with clever writing assignments. Teaching writing is NOT the only way to make a living as a writer!

This year, I’m ready to make my living from selling my words.

Now, to many people that means traditional or independent publishing of fiction. Yes, that is on my radar, and that is where I intend to put the bulk of my energy this year. I am much closer to that than I’ve ever been, and it’s because of this manuscript that is itching to get out the door and into the hands of my dream agent. But that’s not the only way to make money as a writer, and I think that it is important to make that clear to young or new writers.

I am making a living as a writer, that much is true. I beleive that 2014 is the year that my income stream really will shift from selling my teaching skills toward selling my written words. Wahoo! Now, back to the revisions!

About Heather Richard

I am a story catcher. I catch love stories and weave them into beautiful wedding ceremonies. I also catch stories of bravery and turn them into novels for young people. View all posts by Heather Richard
