Tag Archives: plotting

Great Swaths of Time!

Today I am at home waiting for my partner and twin 4 year olds to come home to have lunch with me.  It’s been quiet and I’ve been writing since 9:30 am.  That’s about two and a half hours.  Wow.  That’s one of the longest stretches of not talking to another person I’ve had in, well, nine years. 

Of course, I didn’t “get everything done” that I’d hoped to accomplish.  Of course, there is still a giant stack of books to go through on my other writing desk (the desk where writing never happens because it is covered in research books).  Of course, I want to add another 2,000 words (in edit, not in substance) before this draft goes out on Tuesday.  Of course, there are about fifteen different writing projects that have a first of the month deadline, so those are still looming.  

But get this!  I read 50 pages of primary research for my historical piece.  Important, juicy pages that added a good 250 words to my manuscript because I was so moved about one little detail from 1874.  And get this!  I finally realized that a bunch of writing books that I don’t need to read but looked really interesting can go back to the library.  I love writing books.  I love blogs about writing.  I love thinking about writing and revising what I’m going to cover in my writing workshops this month.  But those books can go back, too.  I know how to do the writing thing, now I’ve earned myself some time to do it.

So, today I’ve learned that great swaths of time are even more precious than small swaths of time.  I might as well do more of what really needs to get done, and that’s blending the research with the writing, and getting even more words to page than usual.  

That’s starting new habits, like doing core exercises as a break when my bum goes numb.  Wow – my bum went numb!  When was the last time I had that happen?!?!?